From October 1st to 5th 2018, scientists and engineers from all over the world met in the Bremen exhibition halls for the annual Bremer Messehallen Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure aus aller Welt zum alljährlich stattfindenden International Astronautical Congress (IAC). More than 6,300 participants discussed a wide range of space disciplines and topics, current and future missions and projects.
One of the public highlights of the IAC took place on October 3rd, the live connection to the ISS, to German ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst.
On site we installed a large projection at the booth of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Satellite data on air currents, population densities, ozone holes and climate zones were visualized on a three meter globe. The content was produced from millions of satellite images and other measurement data from DLR. Intermediate Engineering was responsible for the planning and implementation of the impressive installation.